Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama's 100th Day & Pioneers For A Cure

Today is Israel's Independence Day, Yom Hatzmaut, and it's also the 100th day of President Obama's Administration. It's also the official launch day for Pioneers For A Cure.

We congratulate Israel on it's 61st Birthday, having overcome impossible odds to gain independence and maintain it day by day.

We congratulate President Obama as he leads the U.S. during these troubled economic times. Much has been made of his grassroots support during the campaign and his use of micro donations to reach his goals.

Pioneers For A Cure is also using micro philanthropy to help the fight against cancer.
We want to give props to Les C. of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK for being the first person to make multiple downloads on the Pioneers For A Cure website. His total of $17.91 results in funds being targeted to Breast Cancer Research FoundationCancer patients of the Phyllis Newman Health InitiativeChai Lifeline Children's Cancer Camp SimchaDr. Allyson J. Ocean Research Fund - Weill Cornell Medical CollegeEllen's RunIsrael Children's Cancer FoundationSusan G Komen for the Cure, and Israel Cancer Research Fund.

We hope this model of downloads for donations will help us achieve our goal of making a difference for those affected by cancer.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Podcast

Please join us as we forge ahead in 2009 to raise funds for these artist selected cancer charities.Hear NPR's Jon Kalish delve deep into the details of this project to revive the music of the pioneers in an effort to fight cancer. Artist interviews and song samples paint the background of this innovative project.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Live Dead

"Maybe that’s the best one can do at the highest level of engagement. Not to try to listen for the best night ever; not even to listen for the best period ever. But to try to figure out why we’re listening at all."
Just read a "grate" article on the Dead's 2,000 plus recorded live shows. Check out it's entirety.
Pioneers For A Cure would love to record any members of the Dead. Big fans. 
Yossi Piamenta's version of  "Shedimati" has a Grateful Dead vibe to it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If Only Cancer could "PassOver" Us

On Passover we will read the story of the exodus from Egypt. The whole 10 plagues. The final plague is the death of the first born. The Israelites were warned to paint their doorposts with ram's blood, so that the Angel of Death would "Pass Over" those homes.
If only there were such an elegant method of avoiding the various forms of cancer. There isn't, yet, so we'll just keep working on ways to help those in need.
Pioneers For A Cure has been working a whole year to get to the point where our website now looks good and takes donations, for which songs are gifted as a download. Check it out!

The official Pioneers For A Cure launch is set for Yom Hatzmaut, April 29th, 2009. We've set a goal of raising $100,000 in our first 90 days. May we exceed our expectations!

The Pioneers For A Cure team wishes you and yours a wonderful Passover & Easter Holidays!