Sunday, October 12, 2008

Studio B for a New Year!

Happy 5769! As we move to the New Year, here's an update. We've recorded two more tracks recently, while continuing to mix and overdub others. The New York Voices came in and recorded a beautiful four part a cappella English version of "Sovivon Sov Sov Sov," the popular Chanukah song. Who knew it was a pioneer song? See our PioneerProducer blog for the rest of the story. This is exactly the kind of track we'd like to feature during the upcoming Holiday Season.

Which leads us to the second part of this post. We recorded over 20 songs from late March '08 until September '08, all in our wonderful Pioneer Studio. Alas, the space is undergoing a construction Extreme Make Over. So we've moved upstairs to our new Studio B! Although it's smaller, our new space is more appropriate for mixing these tracks, while still allowing us to overdub tracks and even record new ones.

The Pioneers For A Cure project will, please G-d, become an early 2009 release, with a Special Preview of our two Chanukah themed tracks (Yeled Kat is the other one) coming out in December '08!

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